6th Grade Homework

Khan Academy Code for 6th Grade: 59M2TP

The homework log for the week of December 15 is here.

The regular homework log is here.


Monday, November 3, 2014 Tape Diagrams of Ratio Problems Day 1

Reflex Math
Finish problems at the end of in-class notes

Tuesday October 4, 2014 Tape Diagrams of Ratio Problems Day 2

Reflex Math
IXL skills AA.1 - AA.10

Wednesday November 5, 2014 Rate Problems

  • Find a real world example of a rate problem from a newspaper or the internet.  Write one paragraph explaining the problem and the concepts.  Use your favorite solution method (ratio tables, double number lines or tape diagrams) to solve the problem.  
  • Reflex Math
  • IXL skills related to rate problems:  G.3, G.4, AA.8 AA.9

Friday November 6, 2014  In class practice and review - test is Monday next week

  • Make your cheat sheet.
  • Get your notes in order.  I will collect your notes on Tuesday to grade.
  • Do Reflex Math so that you have at least 5 practice sessions total this week.  A practice session only counts if the green light has come on.
  • Practice IXL skills AA.1 - AA.10, G.3 and G.4

Measurement and Proportions Unit:

Skills we will be working on:

  • proportions
  • equivalent fractions and ratios
  • unit conversions
  • solving by taking a cross-product
  • working with percents
  • applications
    • creating scale drawings in Art class
    • analyzing data from gym class on times in the 65 yard dash and adjusting for height of the athlete
    • Fibonacci numbers and the Golden Ratio in nature

This is a BIG unit because it is so important.

Monday November 20, 2014

  • Practice IXL Y3 for 10 minutes TOP PRIORITY
  • Do Reflex Math until the green light comes on TOP PRIORITY
  • Continue to work on ratios AA.1 - AA.10. Medium priority

Tuesday October 21, 2014

Note that there is no class Wednesday October 21 due to seed collection.

Study for the test on Ratios on Friday on IXL

  • AA.1 Picture problems of ratios
  • AA.2 Ratio Tables
  • AA.4 Equivalent Fractions
  • AA.8 Rates
  • AA.9 Rates
  • AA.14 Percents
  • Don't forget Reflex Math!

This weekend October 24 - 26

We are going to be doing scale drawings in art class.  Work on AA.10.