8th grade videos

Khan Academy's video on dividing polynomials by monomials. Everyone needs to still work on this skill. Remember that 5x➗2 is the same as 5x/2. So when you see an expression written Using the division sign convert it into a numerator and a denominator. The operations are probably clearer when the polynomial is up top and the monomial is down below.

Factoring perfect square trinomials

Khan Academy's video explaining how to factor perfect square quadratics.

And here is the same Khan Academy video in Urdu because it's awesome.

For the 8th graders studying polynomials

How to find the greatest common factor for 2 or 3 numbers (< --------click for the video).

How to find the greatest common factors for binomials with numbers and variables (< --------click for the video).

Box Method for Factoring Polynomials

Greatest Common Factors of Monomials

90 second overview of everything we have covered so far.

Adding and subtracting polynomials

Multiplying polynomials

Dividing polynomials by a monomial