Long Division Practice

Here are tons of resources to help you get ready for the test on Monday Wednesday.

Remainder Calculator to Check Your Answers

Calculator Soup

Websites for practicing long division:

The Great Martini Company

Math Frog

Snork's Long Division (turn down the volume on this one if practicing in class)

The Latest Practice Test/Study Guide.

Practice Test #2.

Guided Worksheets

These color coded worksheets are amazing.  Fill out the top with multiplication facts first then follow the standard algorithm for long division.  The colored boxes guide the student to enter the correct numbers in the right spots.

Be sure to use the word puzzle at the bottom of these sheets to double check your answer. If your answer doesn't appear in the list then maybe you should check it!

Color coded practice worksheets.

The Saying We Use to Remember the Steps to Long Division

Here is an engaging PowerPoint presentation that I used to help students remember each step in the standard long division algorithm.  You may want to look it over with your student if they are having a hard time.

An animated demonstration of long division

Here is the PowerPoint.

Official Study Guide

Study Guide for the test.

Division Notebook

Worksheets that are used for the "Division Notebook" that every 6th grader is required to complete.

Pages for division notes.

Finally a video: