Recent homework assignments


4th Grade 

Due Tuesday October 14, 2014

  • Reflex Math 
  • Finish Study Link 6 if not completed.
  • Extra Credit: Find 3 games on that have math content.  Write down their names and what kind of math they help you practice.
  • Return Progress Report with Parent Signature

5th Grade

Due Tuesday October 14, 2014

  • Reflex Math
  • Parent Signature on Progress Report

6th Grade

  • Reflex Math until the green light comes on
  • IXL skills on ratios and proportions AA1, AA3, AA4, AA5 and AA6 for 10 minutes
  • Keep neat problem log
  • I will randomly ask for a sample of your log from the previous day
Weekend work

  • We are starting work on measurements as a way to extend our work on ratios
  • The priority skills now are Y1 and Y2
  • If you finish those do all of them Y1 - Y10
  • As always do Reflex Math until the green light comes on 6 days a week

7th Grade


  • Watch video on combining like terms
  • Start IXL skills I1 and I2

8th Grade

For the week you should be working 30 minutes a night 6 nights a week
If you forget my 8th grade class code is: JX3GBB

On Khan Academy focus on these skills for now in order of importance:

  1. Factoring Quadratics
  2. Mastery Challenges
  3. Mission Foundations
  4. Adding and Subtracting Negative Numbers

Adding and subtracting negative nu

MathCounts Competition Team

Due Monday October 20, 2014

Tryout Quiz 

All competition team members should create a MathCounts notebook with 

  • Your Name
  • Problems and their solutions
  • A classification system for problems
    • your system should have at least 3 different groups
    • for each group find common solution methods

Archived Homework

Due:  October 13, 2014

4th Grade:

  • Reflex Math until the green light comes on
  • Math Journal p. 12
  • Study Link 4: Classifying Quadrangles
  • No IXL

  • Finish homework from Monday
  • Reflex Math


  • Math Journal pg. 14 - 15 Constructing and Inscribed Square
  • Reflex Math


  • Reflex Math
  • Journal 1, pg. 16.  
  • Finish Doing pages 14 - 15 if not done.
  • Study Link 6 Properties of Geometric Figures

5th Grade


  • Reflex Math until the green light comes on
  • Math Journal p. 12
  • Play The Factor Captor Game with someone at your house!
  • No IXL

  • Finish any undone homework from Monday
  • Reflex Math


  • Journal pg. 13 and 14.
  • Reflex Math
  • Journal pg. 16
  • Reflex Math

6th Grade:



  • Reflex Math until the green light in the upper right corner comes on
  • IXL for 20 minutes a day, Skills   I1 -I8

  • Reflex Math until the green light in the upper right corner comes on
  • IXL for 20 minutes a day, Skills   I1 -I8
  • Start Making Your Cheat Sheet for Friday's Quiz on Integer Operations

  • No class.  Continue preparing for the quiz on Friday.
Weekend Homework
  • Do Reflex Math until the light comes on 2 days
  • Watch the videos on Ratios and Proportions 
  • Do IXL skills AA1 and AA5 for 25 minutes 2 days

7th Grade 


Monday and Tuesday:

  • IXL for 30 minutes a day, Skills B1 - B7.

  • Order of Operations
  • IXL B1 - B3 
  • Expressions and Equations
  • IXL B7 

  • Continue with B1 - B3.  To be prepared for the unit test you should have these up to a smart score of at least 80.  A smart score of 90 is better.  If you cannot get to 80 on your own PLEASE COME SEE ME FOR HELP.
  • Start working on B7.
  • If you are done go back and work on B4 - B6.
  • IXL B1 - B3 to 80
  • B7 to 80

8th Grade

Monday and Tuesday: 

  • IXL for 30 minutes each day , Skills Z4, Z6 and Z8 if you haven't reached a score of 80 in each
  • If Z4, Z6 and Z8 are all at 80 or more then:
  • Watch the videos on the box method for factoring polynomials and greatest common factors for monomials on the 8th Grade video page 
  • Do IXL AA1 - AA5
  • Watch the videos on the box method for factoring polynomials and greatest common factors for monomials on the 8th Grade video page 
  • Do IXL AA1 - AA5
  • Continue working on IXL AA1 - AA5
  • Work on IXL AA1, AA1 and AA5

MathCounts Competition Team

  • Complete Workout 2 and Warm Ups 3 and 4 by Monday

MathCounts Video Team

Create a video folder that has:

  • Names on front
  • Warm Up sheet with problem that the group chose
  • Step-by-step solution and answer
  • Storyboard of the skit
  • Written script

If all of these are complete start to make a rough draft video

film the storyboard pieces and do a voice over of the script to check timing and length

Due Next Thursday