Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Option to Take A Test Using IXL

Students in 4th and 6th grade have the option to prove their mastery of the most recent unit by showing their stuff on IXL rather than doing the regular test.  I spoke too soon when I offered this option to the 5th graders. The material on IXL does not match up well with what we did in class. Sorry 5th graders.

So students can begin taking the test at home tonight, continue in taking the test in class tomorrow at school and take as much time as they need in order to reach a SmartScore of 80 in each skill.

In addition to taking the test on IXL students can also use IXL as a test correction.  That is if there is an area of the test that didn't come out quite as hoped then students can demonstrated their proficiency by working on IXL.

The skills for each grade are as follows:

4th Grade Optional Assessment - IXL 4th grade tab
D2                   Factors
H1                   Functions
B2, C2            Word Problems
J4, J5               Bar Graphs
G4                   Parentheses
G6                   Algebra

6th Grade Optional Assessment - IXL 6th grade tab
N.7                  Greatest Common Factor
N.8                   Least Common Multiple
L.1                   Divisibility Rules
L.5                   Long Division

Hope this is helpful. I like to give the students choices, especially if some students have a strong preference for keyboarding over writing by hand.