Thursday, October 9, 2014

Helpful Resources

This blog is to forgotten homework assignments as the hot iron and blowdryer are to leftover pizza.

There are a couple of resources on this blog that might help students and parents.

As a teacher and a parent I know that most students need to hear information 3 times before it sinks in.  When I assign homework I write the assignment on the board and read the assignment out loud.  I then ask students to tell me what the assignment is for the day.  In the case of the 4th and 5th graders I ask Rose to repeat the assignment to the group.  She also instructs them to write the assignment in their planners.

But I know that probably isn't enough for 100% of the students to remember various assignments.  So to add one more reminder/resource the Recent Homework Assignments page is updated (almost) daily.  Yesterday I could not update the page due to a connectivity issue.  The updated edits were eaten by an error message from blogger.

That said if you do have a question about homework assignments you can always go to that page and know what exactly students should be doing.

Another resource is the grade specific video pages.  If you or your student is not sure about a concept please look for a video on the topic.  Some videos are embedded on the page and others are linked within the text.

If you don't find a video that is directly on point please feel free to use Goggle or one of the links I provide in the Useful Links section of this blog on the right hand side.  Cool Math, Purple Math and Khan Academy have excellent instructional videos.