Wednesday, October 1, 2014

What we studying in each class

4th grade:  Geometry

  • Angles, rays, lines, triangles and quadrilaterals 
  • Pipe cleaners and straws make awesome shapes
  • Equilateral, isosceles and scalene triangles
  • We started using Reflex Math to improve math fact fluency

5th grade:  Numbers and Operations

  • Arrays (think 15 poker chips arranged into a 3 x 5 grid, so 3 x 5 = 15)
  • Talked about columns and rows in a table (so this can be generalized beyond arrays)
  • Factors and fact families
  • 3 x 5 = 5 x 3?!  Who knew?!
  • We started using Reflex Math to improve math fact fluency

6th grade:  Integer Operations

  • After meditating do 4 - 5 quick problems of the day (POD)
  • This week's POD have showed me that we need to shore up multi-digit multiplication and division
  • As a result we mostly did multi-digit division using worksheets with visual cues
  • Continued building intuition using poker chips to model positive and negative number differences and sums
  • Introduced explicit rules to pair with intuitive exercises to build in 2 levels of understanding
  • Completed a puzzle with different integers sums and products were matched up to "fit" pieces together
  • We started using Reflex Math to improve math fact fluency

7th grade:  Order of Operations

  • Difficult and pedantic but necessary
  • We are labeling one side of the board P(parenthesis), E(exponents), MD (multiply and divide) and AD (addition and subtraction)
  • We cross off each letter from top to bottom as we complete all the operations of each kind before proceeding to the next
  • Order of Operations Scavenger Hunt!
  • Took Quiz 1
8th grade:  Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying and Dividing Polynomials

  • We played Red Fish, Blue Fish, Yellow Fish, Blue Fish Polynomials!
  • Reviewed and further practiced polynomial addition and subtraction
  • Practiced using the box method for polynomial multiplication
  • Took Quiz 1!