Wednesday, September 17, 2014

MathCounts Competition Team Homework

The MathCounts competition team homework is to complete Warm Ups 1 and 2 by Monday.  My instructions for completing the homework follow.

Homework #1
Due Monday September 22, 2014

Please note:
I give a lot of weight to homework turned in on time and completed according to instructions when considering who is on the A team, B team and alternates.


1.  Complete all the problems in Warm Ups 1 and 2.  These are 2 sided handouts.  Warm Up 1 in on the front and Warm Up 2 is on the back.

2.  Show all your work clearly on a separate sheet of paper.

3.  Create a system for classifying the types of problems found in this assignment.  You may want to consider the following categories:

  • ·      Permutation
  • ·      Combination
  • ·      Consecutive integer sums
  • ·      Any other category that seems reasonable and useful to you

4.  Be prepared to work any and all problems at the beginning of the Monday session.

5.  Do all the problems individually not in groups.

6.  If you get stuck use online resources to get yourself started.  Purple Math and Khan Academy are good places to start.

7.  If you cannot solve the problem take notes on what thoughts and questions you have and what you did to attempt the problem.  Do not just say “I don’t get it”.

8.  Email me if there is a problem and it seems like you will have a difficult time completing this assignment.  You must email me by 1 pm on Sunday September 21, 2014 for me to consider giving you an extension on this assignment.  My email is