Saturday, September 13, 2014

Person First Language

Channel 3 and Dr. Phil are both doing stories about a mother and her child with autism here in Kalamazoo. Both are using the phrase "autistic child" in their promos.  I am surprised at their choice of words. 

Last year I learned about person first language. People with disabilities often feel marginalized and patronized. One simple request to address this loss of dignity imposed by me and others without a disability is to refer to the person first and the disability second. 

So "paralyzed man" becomes "man who is paralyzed" and "autistic child" becomes "child with autism". It not a disability with a person attached. It is a person who happens to have a condition. See the difference?

It is such a simple and common sense request. I now make every effort to speak and write this way. 

I am just throwing this out there.  I know some may view this as onerous political correctness. But many other of my friends may have the same reaction as me and want to make this simple change, especially if it helps meet the basic human need for respect and belonging that we all have. 

I was happy to make this change once I became aware of the request. How about you?